Mock Interview
Practice using that answer bank in a simulated interview. You'll get some valuable critique and together we'll develop a plan to polish your delivery.
sign up for 45 min session
Worried about your delivery? We all have ticks we resort to when nervous and only practice under a little bit of stress will help!
Sign up for a 45 minute, one-on-one,
interview prep session. We have two options depending where you are in your
preparation plan. A brainstorming session or a mock interview.
Using skype or facetime, we can videoconference, practice some questions and answers and develop a practice plan to polish your interview delivery. Get constructive criticism on your delivery and tips on how to tweak your body language and verbiage.
We will definitely work on some of your answers during this session but if you're still working on your question bank and want to spend time developing your answers, head back to the school page and sign up for the brainstorming session instead.
Your Instructor
You're already working hard, now you have to work smarter.