1x1 Interview Brainstorming
Struggling with exactly what to talk about? Let's brainstorm your answer bank.
sign up for 45 min session
Having trouble coming up with the perfect answers to the core questions? Presenting yourself and the culmination of over 15 years of training in 30 minutes or less is hard!
Sign up for a 45 minute, one-on-one, interview prep session. We have two options depending where you are in your preparation plan. A brainstorming session or a mock interview.
In a this prep session, we'll look at your strengths and life story to put together a foundational group of stories that illustrate why you're the ideal candidate. We'll look at the most common questions, break down what interviewers are looking for, and then pull from your unique experiences to prepare answers that are authentic and will impress the interviewers.
Worried about your delivery? We all have ticks we resort to when nervous and only practicing under a little bit of stress will help! If you've got your answers pretty well prepared, go back to the school page and sign up for a mock interview instead. Using Skype or Facetime, we can video-conference, practice some questions and answers, and develop a practice plan to polish your interview delivery.
"The constructive feedback was great, especially when I was being too wordy with my answers. It was also helpful brainstorming/working through answers together. This session helped me form concise responses."
- MS4
"Interview coaching with Emily was very beneficial in my preparation for interviews. She helped me focus on what points to emphasize during the interview process, as well as the opportunity to practice my responses. "
- David Thompson, MS4
Your Instructor
You're already working hard, now you have to work smarter.